In Their Own Write 2022
David Getz, conductor
Thea - Allison Milby
Your Room - Bellamy Wagner
The Anxious Waltz - Brett Congrove
Reincarnation - Joey Julich
La Fille - Kevin Vo
Lost in a Daydream - Kyle Gilles
Ensemble: Valen Pao (piano), Gita Srinivasan (cello), Samantha Wyland (flute).
In Their Own Write 2020
Dr. Roy Magnuson (llinois St. University), conductor
Brian Hinkley, piano
Ben Wyland, flute
Davis Hale, alto saxophone
In Their Own Write 2019
Dr. Roy Magnuson (Illinois St. Univ.), conductor
Lost in the Woods - Elodie Baumgartner
Daydream - Emily Boecker
Modern Invention - Grace Zeithammer
Taking Flight - Kyle Gilles
X - Mark Bischoff
For Redemption - Scott Berry
Ensemble: Geoff Duce (piano), Marykate Kuhne (clarinet), Alex Hunter (flute).
Boston String Quartet (May 2016)
The Boston String Quartet premiered three works by Composers’ Guild students during a concert in May 2016 with the Morton High School Orchestra.
Convalesence - Lauren Schaff
Heartbeat - Erika Thorson
Irish Moonlight - Johnathan Fisher
In Their Own Write 2015
Dr. Mario Pelusi (Illinois Wesleyan University), conductor
Dance of 1000 Roses - Alyssa Mount
Dark Trail - Emley Holcombe
Long Story, Short - Cameron Leman
The Enchantress - Johnathan Fisher
Go with the Flow - Erika Thorson
No One is Alone, from “Into the Woods” - Dane Brandon
Toss Your Rags - Christian Perez
Imagine - Lauren Schaff
Downstream - Matt Lauer
Let’s Tri - Guest Composer, David McGrew